FAQ Technical Construction
A plastic surface reinforced with fibreglass, refined with an integrated PE film (Surfaseal) for hygiene and production rooms. Also known as “the ferrari among the GRP surfaces”.
Commonly, the insulation panels range between 20 and 240 mm thickness.
Hard seam systems are made of two maintenance-free components of GRP panels. Soft or permanently elastic seams are expansion joints and connection joints and thus have to be maintained regularly.
HACCP is short for Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points and describes the analysis of hazards and the control of critical points on all levels of preparation, processing, manufacturing, packaging, storage, transportation, distribution, handling and selling of food items.
International Featured Standards (IFS) are a number of regulations that are meant to guarantee certain standards of a product or service to be able to provide a customer with a product or a service that matches the exact specifications which were previously agreed upon.
The definition of ‚Maintenance Joint‘ for sealing joints with elastic groove sealants found for example in floor to wall connection joints in sanitary facilities, in expansion joints of swimming pools and in elastic joints in the construction industry and generally in the ancillary building trade according to the DIN 52460 reads as follows:
“The maintenance joint is a joint subjected to strong chemical and/or physical influences, whose thick matter has to be checked and potentially renewed in regular intervals in order to avoid consequential damages.”
A proper air conditioning unit is able to heat, cool, moisten and dry the air. Additionally, it is able to bring filtered fresh air into a room and remove spent air. It can additionally be equipped with a heat recovery unit.
Free cooling describes a cooling system which functions without the use of a refrigeration machine. There is a distinction to be made between direct and indirect systems.
With a partial air conditioning system, the air can be both heated and cooled. However, the humidity regulates itself and cannot be influenced.
Air induction is the ability of incoming air currents to carry away pre-existing air.
This is an air outlet with an aerodynamically optimised nozzle contour, which makes it possible to blow a defined amount of primary air through a preset course and additionaly create a secondary air stream.